The Oracle Zumu Museum On The Move - Motel Zifzif, Acco, 2023
Curators: Milana Gitzin-adiram, Shahar Ben-nun, Maayan Sheleff
Collaborated Interactive Video installation with Daniel Feldhaker, Vardi Bubrov & Zak Shiff
Video by: Nir Jacob Younessi
Photo: Hadar Saifan
Curators: Milana Gitzin-adiram, Shahar Ben-nun, Maayan Sheleff
Collaborated Interactive Video installation with Daniel Feldhaker, Vardi Bubrov & Zak Shiff
Video by: Nir Jacob Younessi
Photo: Hadar Saifan
The Oracle is an interactive video Installation created through cooperation between four artists: Rotem Ritov, Daniel Feldhaker, Vardi Bubrov & Zak Shiff.
In a dark room, Ritov is projected in the image of the oracle. She appears with her eyes closed, constantly connected to the secrets of the universe.
In order to operate the oracle and gain insight, the audience must ask a question. A sound sensor picks up the question, activates the computer that has been programmed to randomly retrieve one of the eight insights-videos . The oracle opens her eyes and gives an answer.
The audience is well aware that The Oracle is a work of art. The audience knows that all the answers were pre-recorded and that they are randomly retrieved by computerized programming operated by the voice sensor. Despite this, the answers are taken seriously. The coincidences between the question and the answer are miraculous. Even the most skeptical audience wonders whether skepticism is a strategy or whether there is a guiding hand. Human beings have always sought after an answer, they have always sought for comfort, always sought for a guiding hand that will give a hint of what is to come.
The Oracles insights were gathered from the internet after searching major historical figures quotes such as Einstein, Mary Curie, Virginia Woolf, Gandhi and others. All quotes are associated with fear of uncertainty and encouragement to listen to the inner voices.
The Oracle is a circular move that examines how the traditional role of the oracle in human psychology is still fulfilled today and is accepted by people of the 21st century with abysmal seriousness, even though they know that the answer is digital and random. The need for an external answer that encounters a cosmic coincidence with a topical problem gives strength to the fictitious figure projected as a work of art.
In a dark room, Ritov is projected in the image of the oracle. She appears with her eyes closed, constantly connected to the secrets of the universe.
In order to operate the oracle and gain insight, the audience must ask a question. A sound sensor picks up the question, activates the computer that has been programmed to randomly retrieve one of the eight insights-videos . The oracle opens her eyes and gives an answer.
The audience is well aware that The Oracle is a work of art. The audience knows that all the answers were pre-recorded and that they are randomly retrieved by computerized programming operated by the voice sensor. Despite this, the answers are taken seriously. The coincidences between the question and the answer are miraculous. Even the most skeptical audience wonders whether skepticism is a strategy or whether there is a guiding hand. Human beings have always sought after an answer, they have always sought for comfort, always sought for a guiding hand that will give a hint of what is to come.
The Oracles insights were gathered from the internet after searching major historical figures quotes such as Einstein, Mary Curie, Virginia Woolf, Gandhi and others. All quotes are associated with fear of uncertainty and encouragement to listen to the inner voices.
The Oracle is a circular move that examines how the traditional role of the oracle in human psychology is still fulfilled today and is accepted by people of the 21st century with abysmal seriousness, even though they know that the answer is digital and random. The need for an external answer that encounters a cosmic coincidence with a topical problem gives strength to the fictitious figure projected as a work of art.